“Have you been nice or naughty this year?” This question was not asked just once at the Christmas parties hosted by ‘Bridge the Gap’. About 140 people came around to John Moulton Hall (20/12/17) and to Pinehurst Community Centre (22/12/17) to celebrate Christmas together. Santa was obviously busy asking all these children, what they wish for Christmas, but Santa’s visit was only the icing on the cake. It was all there to make two brilliant Christmas parties. Carol singer, Christmas cracker, toys as presents for the kids, a selection box of chocolate for each family and last but definitely not least, amazing food. We have to give out a big thanks to all the volunteers helping and to those who donated either food or toys, it would ‘ve been impossible without all that.

Christmas parties
- Post author:Valentin Spaeth
- Post published:December 20, 2017
- Post category:Uncategorized